Valentine’s Day is all about love. Shower your kids with love by doing these fun Valentine’s Day games and activities.
Do them all on the actual Valentine’s Day or on the days leading to it as Valentine’s countdown.
From DIY beverages to Valentine’s outfits, these easy ideas put smiles on your faces and make your kids feel loved.
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Valentine’s Day Activities for Family
1. Charming Jewelry
Think about all the fun things you can do with charms!
- bracelet
- necklace
- bag charm
- ornament
- key chain
- bookmark decor
- pull chain ornament for lamp
This inexpensive set has 93 cute charms you can use to create the most charming Valentine’s gifts. And why not make some for yourself too.
A great little activity to do together.
2. Musical Hearts
A sweet Valentine’s party game anyone can play.

All you need is foam hearts and music.
You can play it just like musical chairs. Tape the hearts to the floor so nobody slips on them.
- Music on, kids walk on or by the hearts.
- The music stops and whoever is not on a heart is out.
- Take one heart out.
- And continue to play until one player is left.
You could also play it the way that nobody gets out. Have just as many hearts as players.
Musical Hearts with Tasks
Write fun tasks on the hearts and flip them over so you can’t see what’s written on them.
How To Play:
Form a circle or a fun shape like a heart or star with the hearts. Tape the hearts to the floor to prevent slipping.
- Music starts.
- Kids walk on or by the hearts.
- The music stops.
- The kids flip over the heart they are standing on and do the task.
Task ideas:
- jumping jacks
- disco dance
- push-ups
- blow kisses
- sing a song
- give a high five to everyone
- twirl
- hula
- count to 14

Easy fun!!
Hide a prize or several treats and send your kids looking for them with these Valentine’s Scavenger Hunt Clues.
3. Creative Stories and Poems
This is a fun Valentine’s activity for the whole family. You get to use your creativity!
First, ask the everyone to find items in the house that begin with each letter from the phrase: Valentine’s Day.
Something that begins with v, a, l, e, etc.

Once they have their worksheet filled out, ask them to write Valentine’s story or poem that uses those words. It will be hilarious!
Snag the free Valentine’s Story Printable. It’s ready for you, no need to sign up for anything.
4. Board Games
There aren’t many Valentine Day-themed board games available, but these go perfectly with this celebration.
1. Hearts of Attraction
If you’re into board games, you’ll have fun playing Hearts of Attraction with friends or family.
2. Chocolate-Opoly
Because Valentine’s and chocolate go hand in hand. Can’t have one without the other, right?
This game is just like Monopoly but way more delicious. Play and eat chocolate. An excellent game for February family fun night.
My kids like playing Chocolate-Opoly.
3. Chocolate Fix – Logic Game
We also have Chocolate Fix. It’s a fun logic game where you are challenged to arrange the chocolate pieces using your thinking skills.
4. Willy Wonka’s Golden Ticket
Explore the chocolate factory and compete for Wonka Bars while searching for the Golden Ticket.
Willy Wonka’s Golden Ticket is for 2-5 players, ages 10 and up.

Adults like to have fun too!
Play the Valentine’s Games for Adults at your party or with your spouse and make great memories.
5. Special Valentine’s Beverages

Turn ordinary strawberry milk into a fabulous Valentine’s Day beverage with whipped cream, sprinkles, strawberry wafers, and fun straws.
Make it a strawberry smoothie instead of strawberry milk to make it a bit healthier.
The kids will love making their own creations.
If sugar overload comes to mind… use smaller glasses like these 4 oz mason jars with handles.
6. Valentine’s Day Gear

Pick and prepare your outfit for the Valentine’s Day. Go shopping or DIY.
1. Valentine’s Scraf
Go to a fabric store and buy 1/4 yard of fleece for each scarf. Clip the ends to make a fringe. You could also tie each fringe into a knot for a fun look.
2. Valentine’s Headband
I was never able to wear headbands without them giving me a headache.
Thankfully headbands have come a long way, and you can actually find ones that don’t squeeze your head.
For this project you need
- a comfortable headband
- ribbon (these heart ribbons are CUTE)
- and other embellishments such as gems and rhinestones.
- hot glue gun
Glue the ribbon and other decors on the headband. And you have a fun Valentine’s accessory!
3. Valentine’s Shirt
Spread Valentine’s Love by wearing a fabulous Valentine’s Shirt.
You’ll need a plain shirt in a style you like the best. You can find inexpensive long sleeve shirts for kids on Amazon.
And while there, get fabric markers to create a fun Valentine’s look.
You could also use iron-on shapes or letters for your DIY Valentine’s shirt.
7. Silky Soft Hands
A little spa treatment does wonders.
Make sugar scrub together. You can find basic sugar or salt scrub recipe in this spa party post. Lots of fun ideas for an evening of pampering.
Or get one that is already made.
This bestseller whipped sugar scrub looks amazing.
Use the whipped sugar scrub and have the softest hand ever. Enjoy the sweet scent of strawberries while giving yourself a spa treatment.
8. Scavenger Hunt
Hide Valentine’s themed items around the house and send the kids to find them.
Scavenger hunt item ideas
- conversation hearts
- chenille stem heart
- playing cards (hearts), hide a whole set of hearts from 2 to ace
- cupid
- Valentine’s envelope
- red rose
- a teddy bear
- chocolate box
- letter X
- letter O
- Hershey’s kisses
31 Valentine’s Day Scavenger Hunt Clues
A quick way to make Valentine’s Day special for your teen or tween.
Cool Stuff Coming Your Way
- planner and answers
- 7 code cards
- 8 word scramble cards
- 16 riddle cards
Total of 31 clues to choose from.
With this many clues you can use these for more than one scavenger hunt.
Check out Valentine’s Scavenger Hunt Clues at our store
Currently available only in the USA. Digital product. Pdf file. 30-day money back guarantee.

9. Valentine’s Delivery Relay
You’ll surely have fun with this Valentine’s Relay.
Easy game, loads of giggles.
You’ll need for each team
- envelopes
- cards or cardstock
- glue
- stickers
- ribbon
- markers
- glitter
- stamps
- and other craft items
- instruction cards
Get ready:
- Write in the instruction cards which items must be used for making a valentine. Make various kinds of instruction cards.
- Set up a table with all the items.
- One member of each team runs to the table and picks up an instruction card that names the items he needs to use to make Valentine’s card.
- He makes the card, puts it in the envelope, and brings it to the team basket or mailbox.
- Then the next teammate runs to the table and picks up a different instruction card.
Whichever team finishes first wins. You can give extra points for well-made cards.
You’ll have fun looking at all the funny Valentine’s.
Need more game ideas for Valentine’s Day? I’ve got you covered. Check out these Valentine’s day games for kids!
10. Book Lovers Night
Get a pile of Valentine’s books and read those together. You might want to grab a few cozy blankets and curl up on the couch.
Take turns reading or come up with your own stories.
Your kids might even like to act out the story.
11. Make Valentine’s
Valentine’s are fun to give and fun to get.
Stores are filled with cool ideas, but it’s always a joy to make your own.
Here are a few EASY ideas anyone can do.

1. Heart and Ribbon
Works well with the foam hearts you can find in craft stores.
Tie a ribbon around the foam heart just like in the picture. Write your greeting on the heart or attach a separate piece of cardstock.
2. Heart Frame
Cut out a frame from cardstock or buy a set of paper frames from Amazon. These frames are fantastic, and you’ll get various color frames that fit a 4×6 photo or drawing.
Decorate the frame with heart cutouts or write words like “love,” “be mine,” “Happy Valentine’s Day,” and Best Friends Forever.
Insert a photo or drawing, and your Valentine is all done.
3. Stickman and Heart
Anyone can draw a stickman.
First, you draw a heart or glue a heart on the paper. Then you draw a stickman behind it. Cool and easy! Yay!
4. Heart Cutouts
Valentine’s is awesome. You can just put hearts everywhere. Easy peasy.
Draw hearts on paper or cut out hearts and glue them on.
If you want to be more creative, you could make hearts with various materials such as ribbon, twine, or glitter.

Easy fun!!
Hide a prize or several treats and send your kids looking for them with these Valentine’s Scavenger Hunt Clues.
12. Valentine’s Popcorn
What would a Valentines activities for families list be without a movie night.
Movie night with special Valentine’s popcorn makes the evening awesome and hopefully pretty relaxing.
This snack is so easy to make but looks and tastes amazing.

You’ll need
- popped popcorn 10-12 cups
- salt
- something sticky (options below)
- m&m’s
- marshmallows
- conversation hearts
- sprinkles
- pink peeps
How to make:
- Pop and salt the popcorn (sweet and salty, that’s the way to go)
- Prepare the sticky thing (recipes below)
- Stir the sticky mix with popcorn
- Spread on cookie sheets or parchment paper
- Sprinkle with toppings (m&m’s, sprinkles, etc.)
Sticky Option 1: Marshmallow Mix
Melt 3 TBS of butter. Stir in 3 cups of mini marshmallows
Sticky Option 2: Sugar-Water Syrup
In a pot, bring to boil 3 TBS of butter, 1/3 cup of water, and 1 1/2 cups of sugar. Boil for 4 minutes.
Sticky Option 3: Melted Chocolate
This is my favorite. I love chocolate popcorn!
Melt 3 cups of white or milk chocolate.
Enjoy the popcorn while watching movies together. You’ll find cute Valentine’s movies for kids at Amazon. Such as Be My Valentine Charlie Brown or Stinkin’ Sweet.
And why not get one for the parents to watch too. A lovely collection of Valentine’s movies.

Adults like to have fun too!
Play the Valentine’s Games for Adults at your party or with your spouse and make great memories.
13. Garland of Love
Make a cute Valentine’s photo garland with paper photo frames. Give one to the grandparents as Valentine’s gift. A gift that will be treasured.
You could also write quotes and Valentine’s messages and put them in the frames.
You’ll love these Easy Valentine’s Garland Ideas! They will add sweetness to your day!
14. Valentine’s Trifle
Trifles are one of the easiest desserts to make. And they look amazing!
Layer brownie or chocolate cake pieces with whipped cream and raspberries.
You could add some pudding there too for fun. I like to mix the pudding with whipped cream or cool whip.
Fun Small Budget Ideas
Check out also the beginners guide to a budget-friendly Valentine’s Day on Twinkl!
Fabulous Valentine’s Fun
Who else loves to play Valentine’s games and giggle and laugh together?
Time for treasure hunt! These Valentine’s scavenger hunt clues are great for older kids, even teens.
See how easily you can make awesome Valentine’s garlands.
I hope you enjoyed these activities for Valentine’s Day from board games to Valentine’s relay.
P.S. Save for later! My Tuesday Therapy is here to help you to make Great Memories!