Kids will love a fun spa party, and one great way to keep the festivities going is with some exciting games!
Here are 15 great spa party games that will get the kids giggling and having a blast at your kid’s next spa birthday party or sleepover.
These printable spa party games provide stress-free but fantastic fun!
The kids have a great time playing the get-to-know-you games and going on a scavenger hunt.
1. Spa Party Get to Know You Games

Mingle and get to know each other.
In the Things We Like game, the children answer the questions and then look for someone with a matching answer.
Find the Guest Bingo encourages everyone to talk to someone they don’t know yet as they attempt to be the first to get five in a row.
2. Spa Scavenger Hunt Clues

Send the kids on a scavenger hunt with 14 clues! These riddles require serious thinking… some more than others, and the clues are all somehow spa-related.
Place a treat at each clue hiding place or lead the children to one great treasure.

Simple spa party games make the party entertainment stress-free for you and super fun for the kids.
This bundle has 15 amazing spa party games, from icebreaker games to scavenger hunt clues that get the kids giggling.
Take a closer look: spa party games.
(currently, available only in the USA)
3. This or That Spa Birthday Party Game

Would the birthday girl choose an exfoliating mud bath or a relaxing moment in a sauna? Let’s find out!
You’ll get two versions of the This or That game. One mentions the birthday girl, and the other is for anyone to fill out. The questions are the same.
- Pick a person, like the birthday girl, to fill out the game sheet.
- The others guess what she picked.
- Whoever has the most correct wins.
4. Candy Dice for Spa Party

Everyone likes the candy dice game. It’s easy, and it’s delicious.
Well you’ll actually use only one die in this spa candy dice game.
- Everyone starts with four pieces of candy. Put also a pile of candy in the center.
- Take turns rolling the die.
- Roll the die and do what the game sheet says. If you roll 2, you get to take two pieces of candy. If you roll 3, give one candy to the person on your left.
- The first person to have ten pieces of candy wins.
5. Roll a Spa Item
Another simple game anyone can play.
The goal is to collect the spa items listed in the game. See the picture under the heading number four.
- Roll the die.
- Check off the corresponding spa item. Roll one, get a towel; roll two, get an eye mask, and so on.
- The one who “collects” them all first wins.

Are you ready for fun?
Get the amazing spa party games that everyone likes to play.
(currently, available only in the USA)
6. The Spa Girl Game
Are you a spa girl? Let’s find out!

- Check of the spa-related activities you have done. (Things you have done at home count too.)
- The one with the most points is “the spa girl.”
7. Who Is Most Likely to?

Do you think a like about each other?
- Fill in the Who Is Most Likely to game and compare your answers.
- Optional: give points based on how many has the same answer.
8. Who Knows Best

Do you know what is the birthday girl’s favorite vacation spot? Or her middle name? Who Knows Best game will tell you all about her.
- The guests fill in their answers.
- When they are done, the birthday girl reveals the correct answers.
This might be a good time to encourage the others to share their favorite school subjects and colors, and how many siblings they have, etc.
9. MASH – Spa Version

You’ll get two versions: the regular MASH and MASH – the spa.
Detailed instructions included with the game.
This fun game tells a story about where you live (mansion, apartment, shack, house), when you go to spa, what is the occasion, what kind of spa treatment you’ll have, and whom you go with.
10. What’s In Your Sleepover Bag
If this is a slumber spa party, the kids will have a blast with this game.

What’s in Your Sleepover Bag shows who is the most prepare one… or a packrat. The more stuff you have in your bag, the more likely you are to score points.
11. Spa Categories

Have fun playing the popular game, Categories.
- Write down words in each category that begin with letters S-P-A.
- Compare your answers.
- Whoever has the most unique answers wins.
Sometimes it can be hard to come up answers for specific letters. Make it easier by turning the game into a Word Race.

Simple spa party games make the party entertainment stress-free for you and super fun for the kids.
This bundle has 15 amazing spa party games that get the kids giggling.
Take a closer look: spa party games.
(currently, available only in the USA)
12. Spa A to Z
Another fun word game is Spa A to Z. In this game you write a spa-related word that begin with each letter of the alphabets.
13. Spa Word Scramble
What is lani shilop?
This is a simple word scramble game you win by unscrambling the words fastest.
14. Word Search – Spa Party
Can you find all the spa-related words?
Play the word games, like word search, while waiting for everyone to show up or have them available for the kids when they are waiting for their turn to have the nails done etc.
15. The Nail Polish Game

What would a spa party be without the beloved nail polish game.
For this game you’ll need various nail polish bottles and dice.
Roll the dice and paint the nails according to the instructions. For example: roll 4 – pick two colors and paint two nails.
Play the game as a fun way to paint the nails or turn it into a competition by declaring winner the one who has her nails done first.

FUN SPA PARTY GAMES make the event memorable!
Easy for you. Fun for them.
Visit our store to place an order for spa party games (digital file.)
(currently, available only in the USA)